Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm in trouble!

So Adam and I have been  thinking of some names for our little girl...little girl names are hard though! There are so many cute names out there, however we also have to think of a name that will still be appropriate for when she gets older. Nonetheless here is the list of names we have been thinking about, there are still more to come because we have just been writing them down as they come to us.


I really would like to pick out a name that is easier for me to give her a nickname :)

Now onto a few things I found today that were just SOO cute I have to share with you!

The Dress is so cute!! I probably won't buy to many dresses myself because in the first year they grow so much and they spit up, throw up, poop their pants so much :) I am in love with the little onesies though because they are so simple and she can wear them out with cute little cotton pants or something.

Well that is it for now, I will try to write more tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So much to say!

Oh wow where do I begin? I haven't written in a long time, and not to much has happened since. Just the everyday scene of life, and letting it swallow me whole instead of going out and living it!
I guess I have been trying to process everything, and I don't even know what I have been processing lately, outside pregnancy. I think I have allowed being pregnant and everything it entails to consume my everyday thoughts, and I haven't been able to really enjoy life and being pregnant. I WORRY way to much! So I am going to make a rough list of what I have been worrying about just so I can get it off my chest!

I worry about: If I am eating enough for my baby, I don't feel like I am eating healthy enough! It scares me so much. If I should be planning more for the baby, during pregnancy and when the baby comes. And now that we found out what we are having.. (a girl) I worry about raising her right, I know how difficult I was growing up, and I can't imagine what I am going to be like!

BUT   While Registering on Sunday with Adam, he made me realize something. Everything will be OKAY we will figure everything out, I don't need to worry about everything being perfect and planned because it's NEVER going to work out that way.  So Now I am not worried about that so much! Him and I have so much support from both of our families that we will be fine.

Now I need to start the process of being happy, healthy and really ENJOY my pregnancy. That is the hard part though. It's pretty rough to get out and enjoy life the way I want to in Alaska. There aren't to many people here that I really get along with and that I can go out with. So I need to learn how to have fun on my own, even if I am stuck here in this little apartment! get into painting more like i used to, blogging, getting creative for when the baby comes? If anyone has any suggestions let me know!

Onto me having a baby GIRL!!! wow I am so excited, I am so nervous about it, it's going to be a definite ride!!

                              I can't for cute little faces like this

and I Soooo can wait for faces like this!!!

More cute funny faces :)

I especially cannot wait to hear my little girl laugh and giggle and have fun!!

I am going to start living my life, instead of just going through the this first blog since January is my first start!!