Friday, December 31, 2010

6 Weeks

             Sunday marked the 6 week mark in my pregnancy. I know it's now Friday, but life kind of caught up with me this past week. So many big changes in my life this past month, so I am a very busy person both mentally and physically these days. I am sorry to anyone that I don't keep in touch with like I should or used to, but it will all get less busy soon.
             Changes, there are quite a few in my life. However they are major changes, and I am excited to share with everyone, because I am very excited! For starters, those who don't know from my previous statement, YES I am pregnant, and honestly I couldn't be happier! I am so very blessed to have friends and family make me realize what is important in life, and that is an actual life. So now, I am so nervous and thrilled to start my journey through my first pregnancy. I have to really start learning what to expect, what I can and cannot eat, pretty much what I can and cannot do. I have my first ultrasound/orientation on Jan. 25th, it's so far away, and I can't nor do I want to wait. Military doctors seem to be a little bit busier.
              Secondly, I will no longer be a Ms. anymore! On Wednesday Adam and I turned in our marriage license request form, it will come in on Tuesday. It is really easy to get married in the state of Alaska, all you have to do is go in and apply for a marriage license, and have anyone marry you no later than 3 months after that. Adam and I are choosing not to have a ceremony, we want to wait for that moment when we have a real wedding. When I say real, I mean in front of everyone we love and care about, that is something that is special to me, and I know it's special to him. SO Tuesday I will officially be Mrs. Adam J Hundley :) I am absolutely excited to call this man my husband. We have learned so much about each other these past seven months, yes it may seem a little early to get married, but when you know. I am most excited for the future with him and our little one to be. It will be rough at first, but we will get through it, we are smart and most of all we care about each other and we will do whats best for our baby. I could go on and on about everything that I am excited about but I would probably be up all night. Adam is one of the greatest guys I have ever met, and he cares for me like no one else has.
This was after we turned in our request form. We went and had dinner with a few friends at Mooses Tooth.

I will try to post more soon, probably on Saturday, after all the holiday festivities are done. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years with people they love. I love all of you!

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